15 Potential Rich Snippet Issues (And How To Fix Them)

James Reynolds
2 min readMay 23, 2021


If you’ve read our newbie-friendly guide to implementing rich snippets onto your website, then you’ll already know the value of rich snippets and why they’re a must for any modern site design.

But, if you’ve followed the steps in our guide to creating rich snippets code and still not seeing any success in the SERPs, then your code may have some issues or errors that need addressing.

Fortunately, we’ve created the perfect infographic for you.

If you’re still seeing plain old blue links in Google’s SERPs despite creating the perfect markup, read on. Below we cover the 15 most common rich snippet issues you may stumble across as well as solutions to fix these errors.

Let’s jump into it!

Having structured data on your site is an essential part of SEO these days. Not only does schema markup make your SERP listing more attractive, it helps you occupy more SERP real estate, allowing you to outperform your competitors.

If you’ve never experimented with structured data before, be sure to read our guide on rich snippets over at our SEO Sherpa blog.

While structured data will provide you with a SERP advantage, rich snippets are just one part of the overall SEO puzzle.

If you’d like to start dominating the search engines and get your business climbing through the search rankings, check out our SEO services. With our five-phase SEO framework, we’ve helped businesses like HSBC, Nissan, and Damac increase rankings and revenue.

Ready to experience the same type of organic growth? Visit SEO Sherpa today.

Want more? Connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn. I share my thoughts on all things SEO, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing.



James Reynolds

Founder of SEO Sherpa; MENA’s Best Large SEO Agency. Contributor to Forbes and Entrepreneur. Learn more at https://seosherpa.com